(Calcium Citrate Malate, Cholecalciferol, Methylcobalamine, L-Methyl Folate, Boron, Zinc , Magnesium)
Calcium Citrate Malate (1000 mg)
The better form of calcium,
Assured absorption & Bioavailability.
Cholecalciferol (1000 IU)
Active form of Vitamin D3,
Ensures higher absorption of Calcium.
Methylcobalamine (1500 mcg)
Active form of Vitamin B12, convert homocystene to methionine, cross blood brain barrier, works directly on brain cells, protects against damage.
L- Methyl Folate (800 meg)
Active form of Folic Acid i.e. Folate, Essential B-Vitamins, helps regulation of homocystene. Promotes foetal growth, prevent malformation. Avoids maternal complications during pregnancy.
Boron (5 mg)
Helps bulding strong borns and muscles, Prevent Osteoarthritis, Improves thinking skills & muscle coordination.
Zinc (7.5 mg)
Ensure strong immunity, Promote wound hilling.
Magnesium (50 mg)
Maintain normal function of muscles and nerves.